Friday, October 23, 2020

Christ the King! Jesus the Leader!!

Christ the King!

Jesus the Leader!!

Mr. Sharuk Khan, with one hit "can" eliminate 10 villains at a time!  Cinematic heroism  seems to dominate our sub-consciousness!  In fact cinema industry tries to promote pseudo heroism than team work which is more practical, democratic and participatory!

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam narrates an incident about Mr. Satish Dawan the then chief of ISRO under whom he worked as the Project Director for PSLV-III.  "Several of us worked for over 10 years.  The day arrived for its launch!  The countdown began.  44, 43, 42, 41 and  40, the computer put on hold  the launch!  There was a leak in the fuel system.  All the experts were called and we analysed and finally I made a decision to launch it.  But instead of putting it into the orbit we put in the bay of Bengal.  We were nervous.  But Satish Dawan came to us and said, "come on let us go and meet the press".  I was all the more nervous!  But he faced the press.  He said, "I have confidence in my team.  We will launch it successfully within a year."  So, we worked hard and in 1980 July 18th we did launch PSLV-III successfully.  He came to us again and told me,  "Come on, Go and meet the press!".  He took failure upon himself!  and gave the team the credit for success."

On the contrary, there is a subaltern history unfolding about Nicholas Tesla who invented many things but Mr. Thomas Alva Edison took credit for them, they say!

A boss commands!  A leader co-ordinates!!

A boss needs attention!  A leader recognizes!! (Read Lk: 11/43)

Bosses Push!  Leaders lead!!

Boss speaks!  Leader listens!!

A leader rolls up his/her sleeves and gets involved!  A boss sits on top and monitors!!  (Read Jn: 10/11-16)  (Read Lk: 11/45)

The world stinks with "Bossiness"!  Look at the popular figures!  Look at our leaders!  The politicians, cinema artists, businessmen, the rich, caste infected persons  and other such!  The proud look, the alienation they create and the distance they enjoy, the subservient people around, the artificial security, heightened temper and what not!

Mr. Kakkan was a home minister in Tamilnadu.  He lost an election.  He submitted his office, the very next day, took a train from Madras to Madurai in III class (There was one then!  No seats and normally they carry cattle in it.  The poor used to travel by it.), took a town bus from Madurai to Melur and walked 7 kilometers to Thumpaipatty his native village and took upon farming for his daily living.  After some years, he became sick and was admitted to the government hospital in Madurai.  MGR the then chief minister happened to be  in Madurai on that day and the news was put in his ears and he visited him.  He was laying down on the corridors of the hospital along with other patients.  He did not claim his privileges! (Read Phi: 2/11)

A lot of people enjoy and  get excited on hearing eulogises.  Corrupted are projected as saviours. Spoilers are titled as protectors.  Looters become leaders. 

Exaggerated slogans, Untrue attributions, Pumped up images have become as though normal.    Unfortunately the world seem to believe it and many take pleasure in it.

Jesus exhibits a fantastic type of leadership!  He easily moves with people especially among the weaker section.  He is in touch with human sentiments, feelings and fears of people.  His options were clear and therefore, not meddling around the middle path trying to please everyone.  He was strong on the side of the victims especially the social victims.  He was bold in articulation not mincing words.

Pope Francis invited his priests to "be shepherds with the smell of the sheep". (EG24)

Leader, Focuses on the people!  Boss is preoccupied with him/her self!

You may be teacher, you may be the head of a family, You may be the village head, you may be a priest, you may be a principal of a school, Superior in a religious house!; the invitation is to be a leader!  Leader like Jesus!  For him, leadership was a ministry, a service, and a commitment!

When you choose to be a leader, people make you their king!  When the songster  Mr. SP Balasubramaniyan was down with Covid 19, there were also "big ministers" admitted in hospitals for the same infection.  But SPB won the hearts of millions.  Therefore It is not power and autocracy that makes you big rather, It is humility and humanity in you makes you great!

The difference between the leader and the boss is a synonym between a shepherded and a butcher!  The biggest problem for the sheep is that most butchers wear a shepherd's garb!

Jesus chose to be the leader and we made him our King!

Leonard CSC

15th Sunday Better, Smile!

Better smile!  How did you behave when you were distributing to the 5000 plus gathering?   Were you selfish or generous?   Were you feeling ...