Have we betrayed Him again?
One of the big problems or challenges for those who serve the public is, nepotism! an undue attachment to their kith and kin! They lose their initial enthusiasm of serving the society to get entangled in a very small circle.
Most of the politicians in India amass and misappropriate wealth for their families which are "several" for some!
When they get de-focused from social service, it gradually becomes social exploitation! They begin to manipulate and exploit the very weak they came to serve!
Jesus had left his home, for a mission! The call for mission was so strong in him that there was no returning to or getting de-focused! There would have been many temptations, fear, depression due to non responsiveness of the people, feeling of frustration, a thought of uselessness of the mission; to leave the mission. Probably he was a tough character with a determination. He withstood them till the end!
He, inviting certain people to get associated with his mission certainly is an indication that he wanted to take forward the mission! Consolidation and continuation of the mission must have been his worry and haunting his mind!
For this, his choice of persons is interesting! His wisdom in it is remarkable! He was looking for characters that could sustain the mission! It is not their profession that attracted Jesus as many suggest; but I think it is their character that triggered Jesus to invite such individuals. Not all fishermen have the same character. Not all tax collectors had the same calibre! So, it was not their profession that gave an impetus to the call but a type of character in that particular individual which probably attracted Jesus.
Education, Family status, Caste background, IQ excellence, Psychological stability are the ones people in any organization including religious vocation look for! But, highly educated members use their synergy to make stupid decisions! Intellectual communities spend their time on useless discussions!
Tax collection was a profession people hated! Fishermen were on the brim of the social structure! Yet Jesus had choices from them! All through the gospel writings we read his close disciples bickering, short tempered, quarrelling for positions and what not? Therefore these human inadequacies in the opinion of Jesus are not a huge hindrance to the mission. They can be handled! There was one failure in that of Judas Iscariot. He is associated with his private plans, cunningness, money and finally betrayal.
The lesson therefore is, there would be disintegration; of an individual character or an association or a religion, or a community or even a family if "Judases" have infiltrated.
Let us remind ourselves, that Judas also was a disciple, chosen by Jesus! Therefore, under the garb of discipleship, you can do hell a lot of things! Organize your caste, have huge bank savings scratched from the common fund, treat the poor shabbily, unjust associations with the wealthy and powerful, work overtime to climb the ladder of authority and what not?
Christianity is still a big failure in many ways; is just because of this pseudo discipleship! It has huge infrastructures, massive organizational skills and capacity, millions of membership yet, the world thirsts for peace, the world cries for food, the world languishes under poverty, thousands die out of hunger, millions are erased on war front!
Very often the church stood as a silent spectator in front of huge inhumanity, thus supporting the same! Sometimes even explicitly supporting it!
The disciples left their profession, possessions and family to serve the mission of Christ! Through which he created a dependency on the people! When you depend on others for food and survival, you will necessarily serve them!
By the way, Judas also had a vision and mission! Like, Hitler had his own! Therefore, a fine articulation of or a crystal clear vision, mission and goals may achieve organizational success but may not reach even a single human heart!
Have we betrayed Jesus again?
Much to be thought over