Friday, December 18, 2020

4th Sunday of Advent 2020 The (Im)possibilities!


The (Im)possibilities!

What is impossible to the human minds and mundane science, becomes possible for God!   A virgin bears a child and a barren woman also brings forth a child!

Let us take a distance from its theology.  But go closer to the spirituality of the content!

Theology is static that leads to sets of believes which can drag you to be a fundamentalist.  Whereas spirituality is dynamic and leads you to faith (openness) and makes you human, compassionate, encompassing and simple.  Since our concern here is not theologising the content, we don't have to enter into the event or historical narration of the same, which may be interesting but not our concern now!

There are so many things that are considered to be or proven to be impossible in this world.

There are several Christian churches that don't accept church tax and community rights of other caste believers.  There is a Caste wall in a cemetery that divides the faithful.  There is a Trouser Church where the faithful sit in two segments of the church and participate in the same mass!  Can these and similar be overcome? Impossible Is isn't it?

Can India and Pakistan sit at a table to sort out their differences and save millions and millions of their money spent on military and weapon and focus on development?  Impossible, Is isn't it?

Can corporate companies and , Multi National business entities stop looting the peasants, natives  and the locals? Impossible, Is isn't it?

Will politicians stop using religion, caste and petty politics to divide the common man to chew political power?  Impossible, Is isn't it?

Can the "Cleric pinnacled"  pyramidical structure in the church give way to a communitarian church?  Impossible, Is isn't it?

Can business be exploitation free? Can women enjoy freedom and equality in the society? Will we stop taking bribe?  Will you stop giving bribe?  Will we stop taking dowry?  Will we stop exploiting the workers?  Will we stop treating physical labour as menial labour?  Impossible, Is isn't it?

We often expect God to do the impossibilities!  We pray intensely to make God perform the most toughest jobs!  We plead or force God to make changes in the other especially in our enemies and not in us!  We try hard to make God, act!  Isn't that true?

On the other hand; we do the easiest, the ones that pleases us, the ones that we enjoy however ruthless it is, the ones that are self satisfying however unjust and exploitative it is!

I don't want to go through the simplest pain!  I sit in the church in such a comfortable place where I don't have to face the ones I dislike!  I am not willing to shake hand with my neighbour!  I am not ready to forgive my own people who might have hurt me or I had hurt them!  I don't want to part with a bit of my savings for the deserving ones of my society!  I don't want to stop bargaining with the street vendors!  I don't stop shopping in posh malls where I unjustly and stupidly dump money to the rich!

Forget for a while about the impossibilities of my tough reach!  Think first of the possibilities that are within my easy reach with a slight possible effort!

We sit in church couches wondering and exclaiming and praising God performing the impossibilities!  How comfortable it is!  How nice it is to think of God, the all powerful!  We watch him like as we get  glued to magician PC Sorcar!

The impossibilities of this world are human made!  Unless we begin somewhere to lay hands on the impossibilities,  God is not going to perform magic shows!

Visitation of Mary is in fact an invitation to us;

Step out and visit!

Step out of your narrow mindedness and begin visiting the humans around!

Step out of your Ghetto to meet other people! (prince Siddhartha did it and we had Buddha)

Get out of your passive Comfort Zones to reach the needy (Sr. Anjeze did it and we had Mother Teresa)

Break your shell, Break open your prison!  Break your prejudices!  Break your excuses!  and "Visit"!  Don't quote your positions, riches and privileges  as reasons why others should reach you or ask you or beg you or plead  you!

Reach does not mean you have to drive your car 400 km to reach someone to say hello! There are now 101 ways to reach people.  Therefore,  begin to say hello, begin to say sorry, begin to say thank you.

Yes, Everything is Possible!, also for God!!

1 comment:

  1. நன்றி.
    அருமையான செய்தி
    ஆழமான சிந்தனை.


15th Sunday Better, Smile!

Better smile!  How did you behave when you were distributing to the 5000 plus gathering?   Were you selfish or generous?   Were you feeling ...