Tuesday, December 8, 2020

3rd Sunday Advent. We need YOU, not your Mask!!


We need YOU! not your MASK!!

This young man in Chennai  Babu, was a painter earning about 12,000 rupees a month.  He met a motivational writer and began sharing and discussing about his life.  The writer asked him, "what are your interests?"  Babu, while narrating a few of his interests also mentioned that he likes to be with pet animals.

A few days after this conversation, the writer, phoned Babu and asked, "Would you like to take a dog for a walk?  There is a family in my apartment which works in the IT field;  has a pet dog.  They would be happy to have someone take their dog for a walk both in the morning and evening.  They are willing to pay 2500 per month."  Babu was enthralled and accepted.  The writer that very day with the permission of the apartment secretary put up a note, "if anyone needs assistance to take their pets for a walk, there is someone available.  Kindly contact me!"  There were 12 who came forward.  Not only, Babu's income increased, but also he began to enjoy his carrier.  After a while, the writer left this apartment to a newer place. And after a couple of years one fine morning there stood an young man at his gate.  "Sir, I am Babu.  Do you remember me?" and then he offered him a sweet box saying, "I have now 25 youngsters working under me for this Dog walk.  I need one more of your help. Some talk about websites.   I need to create a website where people can contact us..."

Work on YOUR interest!  Work on your gifts and talents!  Don't under estimate your interest and  talent! And, don't compare it with other's!!

As a young boy, Mustafa was struggling for 3 meals a day.  He was a school dropout.  Like many others, he pursued hard, came back to school and fared well and got a lucrative job.  His father cried seeing his first salary.  But his thirst to come up in life did not end there.   He started making Idly batter in a minuscule way and today he employs 2000 rural youngsters in his 'ID idly dosa batter industry'.  His turn over is far beyond imagination running into hundreds of crores!

Focus on YOUR talent and carrier!  Don't waste your time gazing at someone else's carrier and achievement!

Very often we get distracted with the talents of others.  Don't regret that you don't sing like Elvis Presley or Celine Deon.  You don't have to!  Others can be an inspiration but certainly not for imitation, even if it is Jesus!  Don't imitate any one!  You cannot and need not!  By attempting to do so, you will waste time and energy.  On the other hand, Be yourself!  Don't pretend to be another.

We cultivate and get rooted in opinions, often illogical and imaginary.  We have wrong opinions about jobs, for example; lower and higher! physical and intellectual! menial and skilful and so on.

We cultivate and sink into wrong opinions about people; their colour and race, caste and group, religion and country.  We divide everything and fix them in gradation.  White is better than dark!  Europe is better than Asia! Christianity is better than Islam! and what not?

John the Baptist had  an appearance, way of speaking, type of courage, act of baptism almost like that of messianic image that the people had developed!   He fitted very well to that imagination people had nurtured for centuries.  Therefore, they ask him, "Are you the one?"  "No! I am not" was his strong reply.  I like that cogent and sincere expression!  Some people when they can grow long hair, begin to think they have become Christ!

How often we take claims and credits which we don't deserve!

Marconi claimed he invented Radio not the original Nikola Tesla.  Jack Daniel claimed for Tennessee Whisky.  It took 150 years to give the real credit to the slave who worked for it, Nearest Green.  Heinrich Goebel is not heard of in the invention of the bulb but Thomas Alva Edison!

Slums easily get encroached and demolished by the rich!  The middle men and now the corporate can loot the hard earned agro products of the millions of farmers here!  Neo colonialism through food and medicine as weapons can hang the freedom of millions of humans! Mindless Deforestation does destroy the future of this earth.

Plagiarism, encroachment, theft, false claims ruin humanity.

Cultivate your SELF which is unique and beautiful.  There is no one like you in this entire world; ever and never.  When you fail to construct yourself and your image, you begin to get lost into an act of imitation.  We need you!  The entire universe needs you!  Not your mask!  We don't need Jesus again or Bhuddha again, or Gandhi again.  But we need YOU!  Your uniqueness is an incomparable contribution! 

Lower (self) image, undue humility, Grabbing mind, Craze for popularity ruins the self and inner peace.  When there is inner commotion instead of peace, it spills over to the outer realm.  Then we throw nuclear bombs, release viruses, get ready with mass destructive weapons, swords, bullets, ideologies to numb human mind  and other such.  Those who have no access to any of it, "gleefully" do character assassination!

When you want to remedy and cultivate your 'Self Worth' kindly be watchful that it does not reach the other extreme, selfishness!

1 comment:

  1. Very true.
    Thank you so much for your motivational sharing.


15th Sunday Better, Smile!

Better smile!  How did you behave when you were distributing to the 5000 plus gathering?   Were you selfish or generous?   Were you feeling ...