Thursday, February 4, 2021

5th Sunday Try doing miracles


Try doing miracles! (Mk 1: 29-39)

Try to perform small miracles within your reach!  Soon you will realise you are getting used to extraordinary acts, in the eyes of others!

The power of Jesus to perform miracles to heal the sick or chase out demons, believe me; are not extraordinary powers given to him and him alone!

It is given to everyone!  But he has blossomed in it!  You and me may remain at the stage of a bud for a long time!  Try to open up! not artificially or forcefully. But let it be gradual and natural!!

Open the windows of your "room"! Allow fresh air and light in!  You may realize how congested it is!  It is like a museum, hoarding up things and you keep dumping more and more into it!  Things, emotions, money, grudges, archaic reports of hurts, prejudices  and what not!  You have turned a spacious and beautiful room into a dark room to collect old and useless things!  Throw them away!  Give it away!  When you try to do this, your mind will fool you with thoughts of attachment, reasons to cling on to!  Then, allow the heart to handle the conflict!; not your mind.

Miracles are not magic!  Magic involves tricks and training!  Miracles involve cultivation of heart and articulation through action!

There is a natural tendency to be selfish or being self cantered!  Therefore, begin to give!  Your belongings, your time, your education, your talent, your forgiveness, your need to say sorry or whatever you think that you have to!

Give to those in need!  Not just to your friends and relatives and the "useful" people!   The poor,  the sick, the lonely, the imprisoned, the farmers, those struggling for peace and justice, victims of your acts!  But, know that they may not come back to you!  Good acts don't revolve around the giver but they flow! they don't return the way it went!  That is what Jesus too learned, when he casually asked, "where are the other nine?"

Realize what you give was given to you!  Remove the blocks and increase the flow!  Don't get stagnant!  Stagnation stinks!  Spend some time for reflection, meditation, silence or you may also call it prayer; to reduce the chances of plunging back into self centeredness, which will throw you back into square one!

Jesus was a miracle!  You too are a miracle!  Do dusting and a bit of cleaning to make miracles seen!  Otherwise, we only see the enveloping dust and dirt; self boasting!

From cocoon to butterfly is a miracle!  From an egg to a chick is a miracle!  From a narrow identity to a larger identity is a miracle!   Giving up an addiction is a miracle!  Sharing a bit from what you had been hoarding is a miracle!  From a busy routine world to spending a time with the needy, sick and suffering is a miracle!  So, begin doing a bit of miracles, start with small ones!

What you consider, the huge miracles of Jesus are the extension of smaller miracles that you and I are capable of performing!

The lame walk is a miracle!  Someone works hard and invents a polypropylene light weight caliper (Reduced from 4 kg to 300 grams) for the lame is a miracle!  You bought a wheel chair for the lame is also a miracle!

Start getting acclimatized to performing miracles!   The world will be healed and freed; from "sickness" and "satan"!

1 comment:

15th Sunday Better, Smile!

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