Tuesday, February 9, 2021

6th Sunday of the year. Cause, Healing!!


Cause, Healing!!

Chapter 14 of Leviticus elaborately explains what are the rituals to be adhered, when someone gets healed of Leprosy.  Therefore, leprosy could be healed even at the time of Moses!  The 2nd book of Kings narrates that Mr. Naaman, an army commander was healed of leprosy by dipping himself in river Jordon at the command of prophet Elisha.  Therefore much later, that is at the time of Jesus, leprosy was healed was not totally unusual!

"Go to the priest and do the rituals or offerings as Moses commanded!" Jesus had instructed the man who was healed of leprosy!  Because that give the man a social acceptance from the past social seclusion.  But he instead went around telling people about Jesus and probably his healing powers. (Mk 1/40-45)

In the last 10 years or so, my community works with HIV infected persons.  We are not a medical team but social workers.  We have learned so many medical truths which we were not aware of when we began this ministry.  Thanks to Mr. Piet a great friend of our community who taught and challenged many of our (false) beliefs about HIV and opened our eyes.

A few years before we began this ministry, we met with the first death of a person with HIV who lived just opposite to our home.  But there was no on one around to take care of the funeral.  It was a big shock to us!   One of our sisters, Sr.Lilly boldly handled the situation. The social taboo against HIV infected people was unimaginable.  Their own families reject them and you can imagine about the rest of the villagers.  They don't give them job, they ill-treat not only them but their children as well.

Due to these ill-treatment, many don't reveal that they are infected and they won't go for any medical care or advice.  This "covering up" further worsens the situation!

We chose this ministry precisely to work intensively to create compassion and acceptance in the society.   Our centre became a kind of home for these people, where; when they comein; we talk, touch. listen and care!  Many used to cry when we first touched them or embraced them!

It is not only these HIV infected people, but the world needs compassion, touch, willingness to listen, and talk to!

Recently, Dr. Simon Hercules in Chennai died of Covid 19.  He was denied burial in the "Christian" cemetery!  The ambulance that carried his mortal remains was vandalized.  It was cruelty at its peak!  Trichy (The little Rome they call it) and many other places have cemeteries that don't allow other caste people to be buried even if you are solemnly baptized in the Catholic (means universal) church!

There is a wide range of untouchability!

Sin, Deviation, Application of rules, Judgement and Punishment!  There is a mini court functioning in us when we deal with people.  

Don't count the past mistakes to judge anyone!  Don't look at the externals to judge a person!  Don't turn your head against someone because you see his or her mistakes or problems or caste or religion or the colour of the skin!  Some people can slay a person with a contempt look or a sharp word!

Therefore, You can cause sickness!  Which means, You can also cause healing!

Jesus was causing healing!

 An act of Compassion, A gesture of Acceptance, A word of support, A look of mercy, A hand shake with  love, An embrace with forgiveness can heal so many hearts in this world!  

Be it HIV or leprosy or Covid or migraine or depression or rejection or suppression; remember, one genuine act of yours can be the turning point toward a total healing in someone's world!

Yes, You just do it! It heals!!

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