Monday, February 15, 2021

Ash Wednesday. Be warm! Not, lukewarm!!


Be warm!  Not, lukewarm!!

We more and more feel at ease with so many things because we have developed them into a habit!

I was celebrating a death anniversary mass in a village.  As we sat down to hear the first reading, the priest sitting next to me, very casually took out his mobile phone and started looking into probably, WhatsApp or something similar.

On a dining table, In group meetings, during conversations, while visiting the friends and families, while walking, while driving  I have seen people so casually take out their mobile phones to "get Lost".  Scratching the mobiles have become almost an inbuilt habit of so many people; not conscious, unperturbed and addicted!

"Come back to me with your whole heart", God invites! (Joel 2/12-18)

If you are visiting or receiving someone, give 100% attention to that person!

If you are involved in a service or commitment, do it whole heartedly!

When you are riding a bike or a vehicle, pay full attention to driving!

If you are in a mass or a meeting or a programme, be there in full presence!

When you eat, enjoy the food!  While eating food don't fly into the future and sink into the past!

When you love someone, love him or her totally!

When you pray, be with God! your inner self!

Many sages and masters of meditation say exactly this, Be in the present!  A lot of people keep looking for hours where they had kept their pen, purse or simple belongings.  When they place a thing, they are in a different world.  That was a simple example. Similarly in life, we deal with people, emotions and life itself!

Don't be lost in the past or future!  Either you become sad or tensed! But be in the present!  That itself will being much joy to you!

Lent to me is not going to be a sad period of time! when I become more self cantered by doing penance, fasting, more and more prayers and feeling very good about it!  It will be a period of self giving!  I will be cheerful and try to bring more happiness into the lives of people around me!

If forgiving someone brings joy, I will do!  If asking forgiveness brings joy, I will do! If feeding someone, If accepting someone's limitation, if giving someone my time, If listening to someone; brings joy, let me do!

Christianity is a communitarian spirituality not an individual spiritual well being or doing gimmicks to placate God.  He is far more matured than we imagine or try to create!

Have a cheerful lantern season!



1 comment:

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