Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Easter 2021: Refute death!!


Get used to Resurrection!

All our fears emanate from the fear of death!

Humans go into tantrums due to fear!  A psychotherapist handles them with medicine and science!  Religion creates beliefs for faith consumption!  Rebirth, Resurrection, Eternal abode are some of them!  If it can help handle fear in you it is very good!  The strongest proponent of all these are those who have no idea or any experience about any of them!

Resurrection after death is not my worry or concern!  Resurrection in this life is my concern!

A tomb is a place where a dead body gets struck!  The dead body has no potency to rise and break the tomb!  The tomb is constructed with concrete or a stone that you don't easily escape from it!

Many elements in this world want to bury you in a safe tomb where you don't agitate, or question or rise up and be active! 

When you get affiliated to a political party, all the leaders become saints par excellence and those opposing them are all devils!  You lose your freedom to think!  You are stuck in a tomb!

You get resigned to fatalism!  A few defeats make you motionless!  You don't want to take any more risk or effort!  Sorry, you are stuck in a tomb!

You get struck with ideologies, You get stuck with prejudices, You get struck with habits, You get struck with practices (for example, people say, bribing is normal here!), You get stuck with your emotions!  What not?

Get up from them!  Don't allow anyone to lay a stone over you!  Roll it out!

An iota of life in you has the potency to move the entire corpse and bring back life in every cell in you!

If a scientist can believe that they can bring back dinosaur to life a single genetic material why not you and me?

Imagine the number of prejudices you suffer from naming them as unquestionable beliefs!  "Drunkards don't change", "Cancer cannot be totally healed", "RSS will never change", "Diabetics will remain forever", "I am old and what can I do now?", "The fullness of truth is only in my religion",  "My race is the best race in the world", "My caste is created by God to rule the entire universe", "Dalits are low caste, Brahmins are higher than all!", "evangelization is not possible anymore"  Just pause for a while and count the number of sludge, you are stuck in!

You have such a massive potency to fly around like an eagle but you get stuck in a little murky idea and refuse to move even a bit and are willing to die quickly!

Here is a man who is refusing to die even after dumping "it" into the tomb and shut it with a massive stone!

Why do you want to die when you can be fully alive? Get up and Fear Not!!  Resurrection is not an event after death!  It is refuting death!  YOU, don't die!! then why do you want to die?

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