Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Good Friday 2021: Lose battles to win the War


I am against the death penalty!

People who support the death penalty think that it will be a deterrent against crimes!

Indian Penal code allows the death penalty!  But the vast number of crimes both direct and indirect violence are countless!  For example, corruption causes poverty, and poverty kills many people!  It is an Indirect murder!  Therefore, looking at the number of crimes in India one can conclude that the death penalty is not a deterrent to crimes!  The death penalty is a sign of a weak government!

Weak governments use more violence!  They are all the time fearful, authoritative, and full of cowardice!   Activists work hard, get tired, and sleep well!  But, politicians don't get sleep!  They fear all the time that someone including their sons and daughter will overthrow them anytime!  They get drunk with authority that reasoning and history do not educate them!  They make the same mistake which their ancestors did 2000 years ago!

"Eliminating a person will eliminate an ideology" is what they think!  Those among them who have access to weapons use them to eliminate and others use random and many other ways of assassination; cooking up stories, dirty gossip, words, looks, Republic TV, and what not?

Gauri Lankesh was a woman journalist and a human rights activist!  She was allegedly murdered for translating a book into the local language on the Gujarat riots!  Such are many these days!

The theory and practice of Jesus was irritating the rulers especially the Jewish religious authorities!  Their business under the garb of religion was getting damaged!  Their product of God was losing its market!  Obviously, they don't like to see him around!  They quickly joined hands with the politicians to exterminate him and thought that they finished him off!

Be watchful with the enmity that you cultivate in your minds!  Because that leads you further into action!  It is easy to plug out when it is small!   Instead, allow variations, respect the dissent,  oppose the opinion but accept the person, say hello to them, Try to bring in positive thoughts when there is a heavy inflow of negative opinions about others.  Be flexible to change your opinion any number of times, but truthfully!

Elimination tools are many!

Guns, bullets, killer viruses are one type!  The other types are; creating opinions, brainwashing, damaging someone's name, opinion polls, injecting false opinions, listening to Modi and many such!

Plain murderers such as hired hooligans use the first type, the hardware!  Others such as the media use the second type, the software!  But rulers use both!

Good Friday is nothing but a battle between; Truth and such foolishness!  Jesus versus a herd of fools!  Consciousness versus compulsions!  On that Friday morning, Jesus lost one more battle to win a War!  He gracefully turned his painful moment into a powerful tool of conversion!

Therefore don't worry that you continuously lose battles, Be patient and continue to persevere, and be grace-filled!  War is what you want to win!!

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