Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Maundy Thursday 2021 Priesthood is Disposition not position!

Fr. Rodney from the Archdiocese of Kolkotta left the priesthood and joined BJP a right-wing political party.  There were a big hue and cry about the same in the Christian circles as BJP is not only a political party but with a strong fundamentalist leaning.  A couple of years ago, Frs. Gheevargeese and Fr. Thomas from the state of Kerala also joined the same party.  There are a few priests in Tamilnadu who openly support the DMK party which is known for corruption had supported ethnic cleansing in Srilanka and known for its anti-people policies. At least in the case of Rodney, he left the priesthood probably realizing that they don't go together!

Jesus was involved in Politics; liberation of the poor, justice for the downtrodden, equality among human beings, and so on!  That is a different type of Politics that every follower of Christ must toe in line with!  Not, petty politics.  Rather, equal distribution of Power, Rights, and Freedom is Politics.  On the other hand, the accumulation of power in the hands of a few is politics!

Jesus was tempted to get into petty politics, like many think that getting into the existing political power structure would help bring forth transformation and justice!  By the time some of them go near the pinnacle they are well-entrenched into the same very corruption they once wanted to eliminate!

In the 80s, Mr. Prabakaran was offered by the Indian army the chief minister's post of the Tamil-dominated North and Eastern Srilanka!  He profoundly refused to accept the offer but fought an armed battle till the end!

Co-opting is an art of politics!  "Get into our gang!", "Get into the system"!  You can have your security, perks, and power!  Many good people get lost in this murky ground with a very poor judgment and a tipsy temptation!

Such nasty political maneuvering has deeply infiltrated into the life of the church and the followers of Christ as well!

Today we celebrate Priesthood in the model of Jesus!

A priest is a leader not just for "Catholics" alone!  He embraces all in compassion more especially the poor in need!  The word Catholic means, universal or all-embracing!  So, if you are a Catholic, don't get into ghettos and small circles drawn by religion, caste, race, and politics!

Priesthood is leadership!  A priest is a leader, leading by example! 

But what type of leadership has attracted you?  Hitler was a leader!  Modi is a leader!  Gandhi was a leader!  Narayanaguru was a leader!  Mother Treasa was a leader!

Leaders of the world use the people to climb the ladders of power and from there they rule the people!  There are other types of leaders who lay down themselves as stepping stones to help people climb the ladder!

A school teacher stays in the same very classroom for many years helping young children to move forward!  These days I see so many illiterate farmers sacrificing their lives to help their children get educated and come up in life!

When you make more and more people serve you, you can very well join one of those parties!  When you humble yourself in service despite your many pains and struggles, Jesus encompasses you!  It is not the spotless cassock that makes you a priest, but the smell of the downtrodden on you, your close association with them, your empathy for them!  Therefore, Priesthood is a disposition to serve and not a position to be achieved!

Next year (2012) for the Maundy Thursday ceremony; how about inviting a couple of Hindus, a couple of Muslims, a couple of Women, a couple of Dalits, a couple of Non-believers, a couple of Physically and Mentally challenged persons, couple of those Uncared orphans?!  Don't worry about the number 12! It is only a symbol; there could be many more!  Instead of getting stagnant with symbols, rubrics and rituals; Expand the ministry of Jesus during the year!  Empower the downtrodden!

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